News & Announcements

Nov 17 2021

Colorado Gives Day is Dec. 7. You can support our work by scheduling a donation in advance! 

Find out what kind of donor unicorn you are and support our work by scheduling your gift today. More info about the origins of this campaign is below. 🦄

We encourage anyone who is able to also match their gift to us with a gift to their local domestic violence organization. Find your local agency and their donation link in our map.

“What’s with the unicorns?” you may be asking yourself right now. This is a fair question. Here’s the story behind them:

As so many survivors and advocates know, anti-violence work is necessary for our world, it’s an honor to be a part of… and it’s also really hard sometimes.

It’s hard not “just” because so many people experience domestic violence (when no one should ever experience violence from a partner). It’s also hard because anti-violence work in a nonprofit can mean not being able to meet a survivor’s need, if the resources or funding aren’t there. It often means decisions are made because of grant requirements or staffing shortfalls rather than based on the needs of survivors or staff. It can be hard because nonprofits require a lot of overhead costs, but often donors want their money to go directly to programming. All these and more impact the health of our organizations, and whether or not we do our work well, and serve survivors and each other well.

And yet! Anti-violence work also requires us to cultivate moments of gratitude, delight, and humor. Without that how would our movement ever continue?

So this year we’ve tried to capture all these realities with our #COGivesDay2021 and end of year giving campaign. We’ve tried to be real about what it takes to run an anti-violence coalition (there’s a lot of overhead) – to stay true to advocacy work even as we fundraise. We’ve also tried to have a little fun, show our joy and gratitude, and share a bit of our humor with all of you, as you find out what magical donor unicorn profile might apply to you. 🙂

We hope you enjoy it, we hope you learn more about the costs of running our agency, we hope you support our work at whatever giving level is feasible for you…and most importantly, we hope you continue to connect with us, your loved ones, and your community around anti-violence work both now and in the future.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate you!

We are very thankful to NonprofitAF and their nonprofit unicorn names, which inspired this campaign. We also appreciate all the attention NonprofitAF brings to what it really costs to run a non-profit, and the necessity to inform funders and donors about things like overhead costs. ❤️