Webinar: The Asylee Outreach Project
Have you been hearing about asylum seekers in the news lately? Have you wondered how an asylee is different from […]
Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley’s Legacy Campaign
All October, join Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley's Legacy Campaign, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month How businesses […]
Rise Above Violence’s Together We Rise Event
Rise Above Violence's 5th Annual Art Above Violence Event Bringing Help, Hope and Healing to Victims and Survivors of Domestic […]
Violence Free Colorado October Brown Bag
Colorado-Specific Research on Child Custody Evaluators October 13 at noon (MST) Little is known about Colorado child custody evaluations and […]
Why do we need culturally specific services for Black women survivors? A history of violence against Black women in the United States, Black Women domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) survivors’ unique contemporary needs, and culturally specific responses.
Zoom Webinar - A link to the workshop will be sent upon registration |This workshop will discuss why culturally specific services for black women survivors of gender-based violence are needed. Ms. Brown will […]