Webinar: The Asylee Outreach Project

Have you been hearing about asylum seekers in the news lately? Have you wondered how an asylee is different from other types of immigrants? The Asylee Outreach Project is a collaboration between the Colorado Refugee Services Program, African Community Center, Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, and the International Rescue Committee to identify gaps in communication and service access. The Asylee Outreach Project presentation for service providers aims to share information about who asylees are, the

Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley’s Legacy Campaign

All October, join Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley's Legacy Campaign, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month How businesses and individuals can support Safe Shelter: Donate securely on line or by check Donate a portion of proceeds from your business’ product(s) or service(s) Display awareness brochures/poster in your businesses’ window Promote our work and your support on social media Learn more at our Legacy Campaign page on our website!

Rise Above Violence’s Together We Rise Event

Rise Above Violence's 5th Annual Art Above Violence Event Bringing Help, Hope and Healing to Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault through the Arts Saturday, October 10th • 6pm Virtual Show will be Live-Streamed to a private YouTube Channel Individual Show Ticket - $15 Couple Show Ticket - $25 Large Family/Small Group Ticket - $50 Purchase tickets here. For more information, visit their website.

Violence Free Colorado October Brown Bag

Colorado-Specific Research on Child Custody Evaluators October 13 at noon (MST) Little is known about Colorado child custody evaluations and the professionals who complete them. Almost no public data can be located regarding evaluator backgrounds, how many custody evaluations occur in Colorado every year, and how many involve allegations of intimate partner violence (IPV). Effectively assessing IPV in child custody disputes is critical to ensure decision-making abilities and parenting time orders are ultimately in the… Continue Reading Violence Free Colorado October Brown Bag


Why do we need culturally specific services for Black women survivors? A history of violence against Black women in the United States, Black Women domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) survivors’ unique contemporary needs, and culturally specific responses.

Zoom Webinar - A link to the workshop will be sent upon registration

This workshop will discuss why culturally specific services for black women survivors of gender-based violence are needed. Ms. Brown will describe how to go about developing programing that effectively addresses the negative impact on black women who sit at the problematic intersection of gender-based violence, race/ethnicity, and social-economic status. A history of black women’s experience of violence in the U.S., contemporary concerns of survivors, and cultural responsiveness will be examined. Click here to register.

COVA Webinar: Pandemic and Predators

Scammers and identity thieves are taking full advantage of the many pandemic related issues to prey on citizens. While they do target certain populations, like older adults, these are equal opportunity criminals, and anyone could be at risk. This presentation will review some of the most common scams and methods used to steal people's money and identities, as well as some of the ways the criminals are exploiting the pandemic for their gain. We will… Continue Reading COVA Webinar: Pandemic and Predators

Champions for Change: Many Stars – One Universe VIRTUAL gala

Virtual Event

March 3, 2021 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM   Many Stars - One Universe Knowledge  Action  Change   Please join us for Champions for Change, a VIRTUAL event celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Center on Domestic Violence.   2021 CHAMPIONS Michael Bolton Grammy award-winning performer, songwriter, recording artist, Michael Bolton Charities V ( formerly Eve Ensler) Tony award-winning playwright, performer, activist, Author, “The Vagina Monologues” and “V-Day” Founder   Register here   University of… Continue Reading Champions for Change: Many Stars – One Universe VIRTUAL gala

Webinar: Colorado’s Victim Rights Act in Depth

This 90 minute VRA includes the history and is more interactive than the 60 minute webinar. It's great for people who are new to the topic or would benefit from a longer Q&A session. Learn the basics of Colorado's Victim Rights law and constitutional amendment. This webinar will cover systems based agencies' responsibilities, the compliance process, and way that victim advocates in community and systems based agencies can impact a victim's experience for the better.… Continue Reading Webinar: Colorado’s Victim Rights Act in Depth

Webinar: Stalking: Slow Motion Homicide

Through this case study and testimony, speaker Anna Nasset walks first responders, victim service providers, and legal offices through the step by step process a victim goes through on their road to justice. Having been a victim/survivor of stalking for over a decade Anna has been working with advocates, law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, and more since 2011 to find justice and peace. With the historic 2019 conviction (felony aggravated stalking and felony cyberstalking) and sentencing… Continue Reading Webinar: Stalking: Slow Motion Homicide

DV Education Series Part I: Understanding the Impact of Historic Trauma on Child Witnesses of Family Violence

Introducing our three-part virtual educational series with a focus on cultural context presented by experts in their field Impact and Interventions: Child Survivors of Domestic Violence Session I will cover a cultural perspective and healing-informed approach to responding to children and youth who have had experiences of and exposure to historic trauma, violence, grief and loss. The session will use the impact of historical trauma on the healing process as experienced by Native/Indigenous people, specifically… Continue Reading DV Education Series Part I: Understanding the Impact of Historic Trauma on Child Witnesses of Family Violence