
To connect immediately with an advocate or other supportive services, try the following options that are free, confidential, and available 24/7:

Find an agency near you

View our map of Colorado. Many agencies have 24-hour helplines.

Call 844-762-8483 to get culturally-appropriate support for Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

Call 866-331-9474 or text LOVEIS to 22522 to get support for young people.

Please note that Violence Free Colorado does not provide direct services.

Get In Touch

Our staff members are typically available during regular business hours, M-F from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For non-urgent requests, please use the contact form below, and we will reply as soon as possible during our regular business hours.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Stay Safe

Remember, email may not be a safe form of communication if you believe a person using abusive behaviors is monitoring your online behavior.

Media Requests

For media requests, please contact:

Community Impact Team

Please also view our toolkit for media professionals for resources and guidance on reporting on domestic violence.