News & Announcements

Nov 20 2018

November 19, 2018
Dear Members,Colleagues, and Friends,
It’s a reflective time of year. A time when we contemplate all that we are grateful for and think about what has filled us with inspiration and hope this past year. Here at Violence Free Colorado, we have been thinking about our Members, and how thankful we are for the programs and individuals who are daily making a difference in the lives of those impacted by relationship violence.
I also want to slow down and take time to express my gratitude for the staff of Violence Free Colorado. We have recently said ‘goodbye and good luck’ to a few of our staff as they have retired or moved on from the Coalition to other opportunities: Pat Tessmer, Jacque Morse, Shannon Day, Stevi Gray, and Meghan Nigra. Thank you for all that you gave to this organization, from your decades of expertise, to your passion for social change work, your unique senses of humor, and your hard work these past few years as we rebuilt, restructured, and refocused on our bold purpose as Violence Free Colorado – you will be missed!
We also welcome new staff member, Liz Stuewe! We are so excited to have her join our staff as the new Training and Technical Assistance Manager. Soon, we look forward to announcing another addition to our team, our new Housing Program Manager!
I am grateful to Amy Pohl, Lydia Waligorski, Michael Teague, and Chance LeBeau for their high-quality work, commitment, and persistence in the face of challenging circumstances, both throughout their time here at the Coalition, and especially while we have been short staffed. They have gone above and beyond, and I deeply appreciate and value them!
Of course, with change comes opportunity. Amy Pohl received a well-earned promotion into our new Associate Director position, a restructuring of our Program Director role. In addition, we reconceptualized her open Communications Director role into a Community Impact Manager position, responsible for managing Stand Up Colorado, prevention capacity-building for Members, constituent relations, and communications oversight. Michael Teague, who has demonstrated his communications talents through Stand Up Colorado, will handle more of the day-to-day communications work of Violence Free Colorado. It is also the perfect opportunity to bring in new ideas and diversify our team in support of our movement building efforts and centering in our work of the most marginalized people experiencing oppression through a team more reflective of those individuals and communities.
Thank you, Members, for your patience and understanding as we return to full capacity. We are grateful for all of you who work each day to create a state in which freedom, justice, and peace are present in the lives of all people.
As always, please feel free to reach out to us about whatever is on your mind, and we look forward to our continued partnership. Together we can end relationship abuse.
In Solidarity,
Amy Miller