Depression – Practical Intervention Strategies Live Webinar

This webinar reviews series of strategies that helpers can use to engage a person on the cognitive, behavioral, emotional and interpersonal aspects of depression. Useful ideas about how journaling and homework assignments can be incorporated into the treatment process with clients are presented. The overall recovery process in the treatment of depression is described and, in conclusion, a short series of troubleshooting around stuckness is offered.

Violence Threat Assessment – Planning and Response Live Webinar

Knowing how to respond to a threat is a tremendous challenge. After a violent incident, it is not uncommon to find that many different people were aware of clues that an attack was being planned. Yet, without the proper mechanism to gather information and assess the situation, prevention is nearly impossible. This webinar provides a communication and decision-making model to help businesses, schools, organizations and communities become proactive in their management of threats. Strategies to

Film Screening: “Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA”

Sie Film Center

Tickets are now available at to see the national premiere of Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA on March 22 that Violence Free Colorado is co-sponsoring with the Denver Film Society and four other gun violence prevention organizations. This is a major opportunity to raise awareness about the high price our society pays for the huge profits amassed by gun manufacturers through their political arm, the NRA.   Given the high demand for these tickets and… Continue Reading Film Screening: “Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA”

The Safe Shelter 2016 Symposium on Domestic Violence: Navigating the Power of Technology

Plaza Convention Center 1900 Ken Pratt Blvd, Longmont, CO, United States

his one and one-half day event will launch with an evening created for youth, parents, educators and youth services providers. Day two will include a full day of interactive plenaries and presentations for Advocates and Providers; Law Enforcement; Legal Professionals; and Administrators and Directors. The event will explore the emerging complexities of tech safety, the impact of digital abuse, safety planning, leveraging technology for protections; offender containment and examination of successful legal cases. Local and… Continue Reading The Safe Shelter 2016 Symposium on Domestic Violence: Navigating the Power of Technology