Brown Bag: Legislative Advocacy 101

Join Violence Free Colorado's Lydia Waligoski and CCASA's Raana Simmons as they present information to get you ready to participate in the advocacy education efforts for the 2016 Legislation session and beyond. We will be answering such daunting questions as what is the difference between advocacy and lobbying? Can I do it if I work for a nonprofit? Why should I take the time to do such things? Participants will have the opportunity to ask

Brown Bag: Confidentiality and Privilege for Advocates

Join Violence Free Colorado's Executive Director, Amy Miller, and Communications and Membership Director, Amy Pohl, for our February Brown Bag session! This discussion on confidentiality and privilege comes in response to questions from our members and partners regarding the differences between privacy, confidentiality, and privilege. We hope that this session will help answer these questions and address concerns regarding the obligations and challenges to maintaining confidentiality and privilege and provide you with an opportunity to ask related questions. We will

Understanding Trauma – An Introduction Live Webinar

The impact of trauma can be far-reaching and enduring. This webinar gives an overview of understanding what trauma is both in terms of what kinds of experiences can lead to trauma and what is happening within the nervous system of the individual. Signs and symptoms of trauma are reviewed along with an introduction to what it means to be trauma-informed.

Depression – Practical Intervention Strategies Live Webinar

This webinar reviews series of strategies that helpers can use to engage a person on the cognitive, behavioral, emotional and interpersonal aspects of depression. Useful ideas about how journaling and homework assignments can be incorporated into the treatment process with clients are presented. The overall recovery process in the treatment of depression is described and, in conclusion, a short series of troubleshooting around stuckness is offered.